Jack Vanlightly

Apache Kafka

Kafka KIP-966 - Fixing the Last Replica Standing issue

Kafka KIP-966 - Fixing the Last Replica Standing issue

The Kafka replication protocol just got a new KIP that improves its durability when running without fsync. As I previously blogged, Why Kafka Doesn’t Need Fsync to be Safe, there are distributed system designs that exist which allow for asynchronous storage engines. Being asynchronous means that the system can reap performance benefits which are not available to a synchronous storage engine.

Kafka vs Redpanda Performance - Do the claims add up?

Apache Kafka has been the most popular open source event streaming system for many years and it continues to grow in popularity. Within the wider ecosystem there are other open source and source available competitors to Kafka such as Apache Pulsar, NATS Streaming, Redis Streams, RabbitMQ and more recently Redpanda (among others).

Redpanda is a source available Kafka clone written in C++ using the Seastar framework from ScyllaDB, a wide-column database. It uses the popular Raft consensus protocol for replication and all distributed consensus logic. Redpanda has been going to great lengths to explain that its performance is superior to Apache Kafka due to its thread-per-core architecture, use of C++, and its storage design that can push high performance NVMe drives to their limits.

They list a bold set of claims and those claims seem plausible. Built in C++ for modern hardware with a thread-per-core architecture sounds compelling and it seems logical that the claims must be true. But are they?

Why Apache Kafka doesn't need fsync to be safe

Why Apache Kafka doesn't need fsync to be safe

TLDR: Apache Kafka doesn’t need fsyncs to be safe because it includes recovery in its replication protocol. It is a real-world distributed system that uses asynchronous log writing + recovery with some additional extra safety built-in. Asynchronous log writing allows it to provide robust performance on a variety of hardware and with a wide variety of workloads.

Now that the TLDR is done, let’s dive into it.

The fact that by default Apache Kafka doesn’t flush writes to disk is sometimes used as ammunition against it. The argument is that if Kafka doesn’t flush data before acknowledging produce requests then surely the cluster can lose acknowledged data due to crashes and reboots. It sounds plausible and so people may believe it - but I’m here writing this today to explain why that isn’t the case.