In part 1 we built up an understanding of the mechanics of Hudi Copy-on-write tables, with a special regard to multi-writer scenarios, using a simplified logical model. In this part we’ll look at:
Understanding why the Hudi spec instructs the use of monotonic timestamps, by looking at the impact of timestamp collisions.
The probability of collisions in multi-writer scenarios where writers use their local clocks as timestamp sources.
Various options for avoiding collisions.
Again, to be repetitive, the v5 Hudi spec says that it is the responsibility of the implementation to ensure timestamps are monotonic. Non-monotonic timestamps violate the spec. Even so, let’s understand the impact of timestamp collisions between multiple writers anyway. Forearmed is forewarned.
The impact of timestamp collisions
A timestamp collision occurs when two separate operations use the same timestamp. If a timestamp collision were left uncontrolled, it would result in timeline and file group files getting overwritten. If the file/object storage supports a PutIfAbsent operation, then timestamp collisions are prevented altogether at the storage layer. S3 does not support PutIfAbsent (at the time of writing) and therefore collisions must be avoided by obtaining a non-colliding timestamp.
Here are two examples of unchecked collisions causing trouble.
Overwriting the completed instant in the timeline
Operation 1 completes successfully, but operation 2 uses the same timestamp. It then proceeds to write a different key that maps to a different file group, and finishes by overwriting the completed instant of operation 1, which now points to a file slice in file group 2. The original committed file slice of operation 1 is now unreadable and left an orphan, to be cleaned up by table services at a later time.
Fig 1. A completed instant in the timeline gets overwritten, orphaning a committed file slice.
Overwriting a file slice (optimistic locking)
In this scenario, operation 2 again uses the same timestamp as operation 1. This time it is writing to the same file group as operation 1. It overwrites the file slice, but then fails the concurrency control check. While it never wrote the completed instant, we still have a consistency violation. The completed instant of operation 1 now points to the uncommitted data of the failed operation 2.
Fig 2. A file slice gets overwritten, losing committed rows.
PutIfAbsent avoids these issues by failing writes to a file that already exists with the same file name.
Note! One potential gap in the PutIfAbsent guard rail is related to file slices. The file name of a file slice includes the Write Token (which so far I have left out) and forms part of its unique identity. The Write Token is a counter which forms part of the file name and is incremented on each attempt by a writer to write the file. Each retry increments the write token. If the first write were to fail due to a connection failing, then the writer would attempt a second write with WriteToken=2. This second write could succeed even if another writer had, in the meantime, written a file with the same original file name (with a write token of 1).
Probability of timestamp collisions
When writers use their local OS clock as a timestamp source (which violates the v5 Hudi spec), what are the chances of timestamp collisions in multi-writer scenarios?
We can look to the Birthday Paradox for intuition.
“In probability theory, the birthday problem asks for the probability that, in a set of n randomly chosen people, at least two will share a birthday. The birthday paradox refers to the counterintuitive fact that only 23 people are needed for that probability to exceed 50%.”
Wikipedia goes on to explain:
“The birthday paradox is a veridical paradox: it seems wrong at first glance but is, in fact, true. While it may seem surprising that only 23 individuals are required to reach a 50% probability of a shared birthday, this result is made more intuitive by considering that the birthday comparisons will be made between every possible pair of individuals. With 23 individuals, there are 23 × 22/2 = 253 pairs to consider, far more than half the number of days in a year.”
The same principle applies to timestamp collisions among multiple writers which use their local clocks as timestamp sources. To understand the probabilities, I wrote a simple Python script. For each writer, it generates a sequence of timestamps based on a requested write interval (with a small amount of jitter) over a duration of time. Next, it does a set union of all the writer sequences to calculate the number of collisions.
I ran the following experiments, each combination was run 1000 times, with mean, min and max collisions calculated, as well as the probability of 1 or more collisions:
2-20 writers, 1 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period.
2-20 writers, 5 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period.
5 writers, 1-20 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period.
5 writers, 1-20 minute write interval, over a 7 day period.
Note that none of the charts show a perfectly smooth curve as the results are based on a simulation run 1000 times (enough to show the trend but not enough to create a perfect curve).
2-20 writers, 1 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period.
Fig 1. We see that with 1 minute intervals (+/- 3 seconds jitter), we see the same S-curve as the birthday paradox. The probability reaches above 50% in a 24-hour period with 8 writers and asymptotes towards 100%.
Fig 2. Across the 1000 simulations, the average reaches 1 collision at 9-10 writers. The max tops out at 14 collisions at 20 writers.
2-20 writers, 5 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period.
Fig 3. Increasing the write interval to 5 minutes (+/- 15 seconds) lowered the probability significantly.
5 writers, 1-20 minute write interval, over a 24 hour period
Fig 4. We see that the probability of a collision over a 24 hour period drops off quickly as the write interval increases. The curve is not perfect due to this being a simulation with a 1000 runs.
5 writers, 1-20 minute write interval, over a 7 day period
Fig 5. Increasing the duration to 7 days naturally increases the probability of a collision.
What is clear from these charts is that timestamp collisions are more common than you might at first expect and that collision avoidance is critical.
Avoiding collisions
There are many ways of avoiding timestamp collisions in multi-writer scenarios. We are not starved of options.
Use a storage system that supports PutIfAbsent (S3 does not offer this at the time of writing).
Use a monotonic timestamp source such as an OLTP database, DynamoDB or even an Apache ZooKeeper counter. There are many databases that are capable of generating monotonic numbers.
Use a salt in all instant and file slice filenames, such as a UUID (Delta Lake does this technique to avoid checkpoint collisions).
I was told of the idea of a salt by a Hudi PMC member and I immediately added salt support to the TLA+ specification. When two instants or file slices collide on timestamp, they are discerned and sorted by their salt.
If you are using a single writer, a collision could only occur if you used the local non-monotonic clock, had two serial operations that occurred in quick succession, and the clock went backwards before the second operation causing a collision. This is avoidable using the monotonic clock in Linux.
Similarities to Delta Lake
Delta Lake log record IDs, just like Hudi timestamps, must be monotonic. The Delta Lake VLDB paper Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores discusses the need for avoiding log ID collisions.
Amazon S3 does not have atomic “put if absent” or rename operations. In Databricks service deployments, we use a separate lightweight coordination service to ensure that only one client can add a record with each log ID. This service is only needed for log writes (not reads and not data operations), so its load is low.” Section 3.2 Access Protocols, Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores.
This lightweight coordination service uses locks (or some equivalent to produce a critical section) to ensure that two writers cannot perform the optimistic concurrency check at the same time and both write the commit record to the log with the same record ID. On other storage systems, such as Azure Data Lake Storage, such a service is not required, just as with Apache Hudi.
Next steps
So far we’ve reviewed a simplified logical model of Apache Hudi COW tables and built an understanding for why timestamps need to be monotonic. The TLA+ specification is ready. What will model checking tell us about the claimed ACID guarantees of Hudi? Also, will it answer the question from part 1 about monotonically issued timestamps whose operations are executed out of order? That is all covered in part 3 where we look at the results of model checking the TLA+ specification.
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