Serverless ClickHouse Cloud - ASDS Chapter 5 (part 2) — Jack Vanlightly

Serverless ClickHouse Cloud - ASDS Chapter 5 (part 2)

In part 1 we looked at the open-source ClickHouse architecture, in part 2 we dive into the serverless architecture of ClickHouse Cloud.

  • Part 2 - Serverless ClickHouse Cloud (this part)

The serverless ClickHouse architecture

ClickHouse Cloud is an entirely serverless offering of ClickHouse that uses a new MergeTree engine called the SharedMergeTree. Where a traditional on-premise ClickHouse cluster is composed of a set of monolithic servers that do both query processing and storage, CH Cloud servers separate storage and compute, with the servers being stateless compute instances and storage served solely by cloud object storage. The SharedMergeEngine is at the core of this serverless architecture.

The SharedMergeTree engine

The SharedMergeTree engine differs from the MergeTree and ReplicatedMergeTree engines in a few key ways.

This engine replicates data and metadata to object storage and keepers only; replicas do not directly communicate with each other. This turns a shared-nothing architecture, where certain data lives on certain servers, into a shared-everything architecture, where all servers share the same storage layer (object storage).

The SharedMergeTree engine only uses local disks for ephemeral data, such as caches. All durable data is written to object storage and the keepers directly.

No sharding is necessary as the storage layer is massively scalable hyper-scaler object storage rather than a discrete set of cloud compute instances with disks. Sharding is the recommended way to serve large datasets that exceed the size of a single machine, however, cloud object storage is essentially infinite in size, so sharding is not necessary. Query serving is scaled by adding more CH Cloud servers and/or scaling up the existing servers. Reads and writes can go to any server across this single shard, and ClickHouse Cloud reports that a cluster will scale linearly with the number/size of servers, given that the keepers are adequately scaled.

Keeper scaling is a key point as the keeper cluster must be able to cope with the aggregate load of part log dissemination. The keepers will feel pressure not only from the volume of part metadata they receive but the fan-out of that log to the replicas. ClickHouse Keeper was developed to replace ZooKeeper in order to boost performance, and future work is being discussed to add sharding to ClickHouse Keeper to allow it to scale further.

On-the-fly mutations (aka lightweight updates) provide a lower-latency mechanism for performing mutations. On-the-fly mutations don’t overly change the underlying mutation logic - parts still must be rewritten in batches asynchronously, but metadata about the mutations are disseminated with peer replicas via the keepers, which store the mutations in memory where they are applied on the fly during query execution (until the mutations are applied by rewriting of the affected parts).

The job of part-merging is distributed across all table replicas as it is with the ReplicatedMergeTree engine, coordinated through compare-and-swap on the version of data parts metadata in the Keepers.

I don’t know all the details of the SharedMergeTree implementation as it is closed-source but ClickHouse Cloud does publicly discuss some details in their SharedMergeTree announcement blog:

Note that ClickHouse Cloud services feature a multi-layer read-through and write-through cache (on local NVMe SSDs) that is designed to work natively on top of object storage to provide fast analytical query results despite the slower access latency of the underlying primary data store. Object storage exhibits slower access latency, but provides highly concurrent throughput with large aggregate bandwidth. ClickHouse Cloud exploits this by utilizing multiple I/O threads for accessing object storage data, and by asynchronously prefetching the data.

This prefetch strategy is likely to be highly effective for workloads that require sequential table scans but less effective for queries based on small random seeks. There are many further options for mitigating the higher object storage latency, such as various types of caching (including query result caching) and pre-aggregation via aggregation-based engines, materialized views, and projections. ClickHouse gets a certain degree of freedom regarding the latency introduced by object storage as it was designed for analytical queries rather than low-latency OLTP.

The open-source ClickHouse uses a buffer abstraction that allows for prefetch via double-buffering though it is not clear if the SharedMergeTree uses this same abstraction or a more sophisticated one more highly optimized for cloud object storage. It would make sense to do so as the SharedMergeEngine was purposely built to use object storage as its storage layer.

Another question that arises is whether the SharedMergeTree engine makes of of a customized columnar file format, more suited to cloud object storage. As detailed in section 5.4 of the excellent paper, An Empirical Evaluation of Columnar Storage Formats, the authors note that other columnar file formats have some disadvantages in cloud object storage environments due to multiple rounds trips required to read file metadata. Storage layout optimizations that provide better mechanical sympathy for high throughput, high latency object storage are worth exploring for object-storage-based query engines.

Whether the ClickHouse file format already avoids these issues or not I don’t know. Indexes are stored in memory and point directly to offsets in bin files (via the mark files). The mark files are not always stored in memory, however, mark files do get cached on disk and smart caching would do well to actively download mark files to reduce the number of GET requests required when data must be fetched on-demand from column data files. It would be interesting to dive deeper into this topic of optimizing ClickHouse storage for S3. If I ever get any specifics on optimizations that ClickHouse Cloud makes then I will add it here. When your storage engine is purpose built for object storage, it would make sense to optimize the file format for that more specialized use case.

Finally, regarding consistency, this is somewhat tuneable by the user. Inserts are consistent in the sense that the operation is only confirmed when the part has been written to object storage and the part metadata is written to the keepers. Updates can be performed either asynchronously or synchronously, with the on-the-fly mutations allowing for lower-latency synchronous updates (while the parts get rewritten asynchronously). Finally, the keywords FINAL and SYNC REPLICA can be used to ensure consistent reads. FINAL will perform deduplication before serving a result, and SYNC REPLICA will ensure the replica reads the latest metadata before acting on a select query.


As outlined in the introductory chapter, the hurdles associated with serverless multi-tenancy revolve around achieving optimal resource utilization while upholding robust isolation among tenants. In the forthcoming sections, I will delve into these challenges, focusing on both the compute and storage layers.

Compute layer

As already covered, ClickHouse Cloud servers are stateless compute nodes that use cloud storage as their durable storage layer, with caching and prefetching to mitigate cloud storage latency issues. These stateless nodes are deployed in per-tenant pods scheduled on a K8s cluster. Multi-tenancy is achieved by bin-packing multiple tenant pods onto each K8s host.

There is no sharding in this shared-everything architecture, so scaling is achieved by either scaling up and/or scaling out the compute nodes. The leaderless architecture of ClickHouse (both SharedMergeTree and open-source) is a key factor for ClickHouse scalability. Each server can accept both reads and writes for a given table, with the SharedMergeTree engine and the Keepers working together to disseminate the existence of new parts. 

Auto-scaling is coordinated between three different components:

  • Idler: suspends pods that are not receiving queries.

  • Scaler: ensures there is enough pod capacity (up to an upper limit) to serve the query load.

  • Proxies: responsible for notifying the scaler when queries arrive for a scaled-to-zero tenant. ClickHouse refers to the KNative Activator as inspiration, though both Neon and CockroachDB use essentially the same pattern of a proxy which buffers requests and notifies the auto-scaler to provision a pod.

Tenants can choose whether the cluster gets scaled to zero when idle. Other serverless systems that scale to zero reduce cold starts by keeping a pool of blank pods running which can be rapidly “stamped” with the identity of a tenant - though ClickHouse makes no mention of this strategy (specifically regarding pods).

ClickHouse Cloud uses a custom K8s scheduler to optimize hardware utilization, as described in this blog post. The default K8s pod scheduler uses a LeastAllocated scoring strategy which aims to balance load evenly across the cluster hosts. This seems a reasonable strategy as it reduces hot spots caused by over-allocating pods on a given host. However, while it would achieve this goal, it also works against optimizing hardware utilization. With fluctuating aggregate load, the service should scale in and scale out the underlying K8s hosts accordingly. The problem is that the LeastAllocated strategy makes host scale-in unlikely, as all hosts will be allocated a relatively balanced number of pods. Hosts are scaled-in when CPU and memory utilization drop below a certain threshold, reaching this threshold is less likely with a LeastAllocated strategy.

The MostAllocated strategy solves this problem by ensuring that new pods get scheduled on a host with enough spare CPU and memory capacity for the pod but are ranked as the most allocated in terms of CPU and memory shares. Over time, the least allocated host will gradually become empty of ClickHouse pods, and once the last ClickHouse pod is terminated, the resource utilization should drop below the threshold and the cluster autoscaler can take the host offline.

However, scaling down the K8s hosts to exactly match aggregate load introduces latency issues when aggregate load increases again and a new K8s host must be provisioned. This provisioning time can be relatively long and many newly scheduled pods can be stuck pending the availability of the new host. This problem is mitigated by overprovisioning the hosts, such that there are extra hosts ready to take on new pods should load increase. This trades off higher costs for lower pod scheduling latency.

ClickHouse reported increasing hardware utilization from 50% to 70% with these K8s scheduler changes. I recommend the blog post, which covers this in more detail with EKS and Kubernetes specific details. For this write-up, it is the general pattern of using a MostAllocated strategy with host overprovisioning that I find most valuable.

Storage layer

Serverless systems that use a storage layer based on disks usually implement some kind of sharding mechanism along with data rebalancing to avoid hot spots from causing quality of service degradation. ClickHouse Cloud sidesteps the need for these strategies by utilizing cloud object storage as its sole (durable) storage layer. Heat management becomes the preserve of the hyper-scaler rather than ClickHouse Cloud. Like any system, a degree of mechanical sympathy is required, but there are no operations like data rebalancing needed.

This leads us to the next insight that I want to underline. Typically in serverless, multi-tenant data systems, tenants are oversubscribed in order to reach high resource utilization. However, this is mostly true of systems that have a stateful component, as the data of multiple tenants must be stored over the long term. S3 itself oversubscribes tenants in order to maximize resource utilization. The complication of oversubscription is that, as I just mentioned, heat management becomes a real concern, with a lot of work and complexity going into effectively managing hotspots that can arise. Just look at the heat management sections in the chapters on Serverless CockroachDB, DynamoDB, and Confluent’s Kora engine, which all have stateful components (due to their more stringent latency requirements). However, a stateless elastic architecture built on someone else’s storage service does away with the need to oversubscribe tenants. Pods are allocated dynamically based on load and when there is no load at all, the system can scale a tenant to zero. The data lives on but in someone else’s service (the hyper-scaler).

This is why I described cheap, durable, and low-latency object storage being the holy grail for cloud data systems of all types (including low-latency systems) - and how despite the recent release of S3 Express One Zone, some of us system builders are still waiting for that grail moment to arrive. As William Gibson wrote: “The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed”. For ClickHouse, it seems that future has mostly arrived due to the more lenient latency constraints of an analytics workload.

Resource utilization pricing model

There are many pricing models for serverless data systems, including charging per (million) requests, GB of storage, virtual capacity units, or hardware resources utilized. 

Models such as charging per request do not suit an analytics use case well due to the wildly different amount of work that one query may require compared to another. ClickHouse Cloud opted for a resource utilization model based on storage and compute, as it maps well to the unpredictable resource utilization of analytical workloads. 


The ClickHouse storage architecture based on immutable parts maps extremely well to cloud object storage, where objects are also immutable. Data and indexes are packaged up inside these parts, so it comes down to optimizing the logistics of part writing, reading, merging, and dissemination, using parallelization at all levels (in-process and across processes). Servers write immutable parts to object storage and broadcast the existence of new parts via the keepers. Peer servers subscribe to the part feed and can immediately obtain the index files for new parts, storing them in memory while data files can be pulled in on demand (with heavy use of prefetching). Meanwhile, all replicas can coordinate to share the load of part merging. All this work, from multi-stage query pipelines to merging, is highly parallelizable. The immutable part is king in the ClickHouse architecture.

This part-oriented architecture doesn’t come for free, there are always trade-offs. The main trade-off I see with packaging everything (data, primary and secondary indexes) in immutable parts is less efficiency of workloads with varied queries that do not necessarily align well with the primary key. The lack of potent secondary indexes (due to being packaged in sorting key organized parts) also comes under this trade-off. Materialized views and projections help a lot here, though at an increased cost in storage, insert cost and merge cost. The bigger the dataset, the more pronounced these trade-offs would become apparent. 

However, the part-oriented architecture is clearly an elegant design decision for building an object storage engine such as the SharedMergeTree. The architecture of horizontally scalable stateless replicas with no inter-replica communication built on top of a highly scalable cloud storage service is perfect for serverless. Avoiding the data sharding and rebalancing that comes with a storage layer reduces the complexity of the overall system massively, a fact reflected in ClickHouse Cloud’s achievement of releasing a serverless data product in a year. 

ClickHouse epitomizes the kind of workload that was made for object storage:

  • Large datasets.

  • Lenient latency requirements (S3 standard in the synchronous hot path for inserts is fine, waiting on the downloading of parts from S3 standard for select queries is fine).

  • Lenient consistency (most users probably don’t need consistency and don’t routinely use SYNC REPLICA).

  • Lots of large sequential scans, fewer tiny random seeks.

Finally, it’s worth noting the absence of the need to talk in detail about performance isolation. Little mention of admission control beyond foreground/background work scheduling and no data rebalancing at all. These complexities are mostly gone with this architecture of elastic stateless compute nodes deployed in K8s pods (with resource limits), built atop scalable cloud object storage where heat management is someone else’s problem. ClickHouse Cloud illustrates why object storage is so attractive to data infra projects/companies, the question is: when will object storage become both low-latency and cheap so that it can become the default storage layer for all?
