A couple of weeks ago I got nerd sniped into writing a TLA+ specification for the Viewstamped Replication Revisited paper. I have written specifications for multiple variants of Raft, Apache BookKeeper, SWIM, Kafka replication, Kafka consumer group protocol, RabbitMQ streams replication and many more including some protocols that are not publicly available. But VR Revisited has been more challenging than most, not because it is more complex, but because the paper is hard to interpret.
I read and re-read the sections on normal operations, view changes, state transfer and replica recovery as I kept having questions I couldn’t easily answer. When it came time to putting TLA+ to paper I encountered issues because the text was at times too vague to be sure what the exact behaviour should be and at times seemed to be contradictory.
So, in order to unblock myself, I decided to write an analysis of the paper - documenting my questions and doubts as I go, describing how I resolve these doubts as well as describing any defects or nuance I find. My tool of choice for designing and analysing distributed system protocols is TLA+ along with its model checker TLC.
I hope that this analysis is useful to some who want to understand VR Revisited in more detail and desire more rigor than the paper provides.
Quick VR Revisited Overview
Viewstamped Replication Revisited is a state-machine replication (SMR) protocol and a revision of the original Viewstamped Replication paper.
In VR Revisited, each node is known as a replica. Each replica consists of two modules: a replication module responsible for replicating the log of operations and a state-machine module responsible for applying the operations to some arbitrary application state.
Fig 1. State-machine replication
At its core, it is very similar to Raft and multi-Paxos in that it relies on overlapping replication and election quorums to ensure that committed operations survive leadership changes.
Fig 2. No matter the cluster size, all majority quorums overlap. In other words, there does not exist two majority quorums that do not overlap.
The most immediate difference from Raft and multi-Paxos are how leadership changes are performed. Instead of leaders being elected via majority votes where any up-to-date node can win, leaders are elected by majority agreement on the current view-number. View-numbers map to replicas and for any given view-number only one replica can be the primary (leader). Leadership changes are therefore called View Changes.
VR Revisited also includes additional sub-protocols that give it extra capabilities that are not included in vanilla Raft/Paxos:
Client operation ordering and deduplication. Clients can perform a sequence of operations, across view-changes and failures with ordering and deduplication guarantees.
No requirement to persist operations to stable storage, and if written to stable storage, operations can be written asynchronously - this is attractive for performance. Raft for example, requires that entries confirmed by a node are persisted to disk synchronously as the guarantees do not hold under arbitrary data loss. VR Revisited achieves this capability via a recovery sub-protocol that guarantees that a replica only re-joins a cluster as a fully functioning member once it has recovered at least as much data as it had when it crashed.
Note that both the above capabilities can be added to other protocols such as Raft and interestingly, close to my heart, both have equivalents in Apache Pulsar and Apache BookKeeper.
Apache Pulsar and Apache Kafka offer producer ordering guarantees and deduplication, across topic leader changes via a mechanism similar to VR Revisited client tables.
Apache BookKeeper is able to run without its journal by implementing a recovery sub-protocol that guarantees a BK node only becomes a fully functioning member once it has recovered all operations it had previously confirmed. While the protocol is very different due to BK using a very different replication protocol, the underlying property of re-joining without missing entries is the same.
There may be additional capabilities of VR Revisited that I have missed but once I have written all the sub-protocols in TLA+ I will finish off by taking a step back and asking questions such as:
Why choose VR Revisited over Raft or Paxos?
Do additional innovations to the protocol exist in real-world implementations?
This analysis uses TLA+ and its model checker. If you are new to TLA+ then I wrote an introduction to its concepts as part of my write-up on how I found a defect in Apache BookKeeper with TLA+. Plus there is always the excellent TLA+ video course by Leslie Lamport himself.
Analysis Parts
View changes - Questions (Part 1)
View changes - Answers (Part 2)
State transfer (Part 3)
Checkpoint-based replica recovery (part 6)
Reconfiguration - coming soon